序号 | 论文题目 | 第一作者 | 通讯作者 | 发表/出版时间 | 发表刊物/论文集 | 论文收录 |
1 | 影响2021年西北太平洋副热带高压的春季环境因子的特征分析 | 翁锦文 | 王磊 | 202203 | 农业灾害研究 | 普刊 |
2 | The energy conversion rates from eddies and mean flow into internal lee waves in the global ocean | 韩冰 | 韩冰 | 202202 | Journal of Oceanology and Limnology | SCIE二区 |
3 | Statistical Analysis of Mesoscale Eddies Entering the Continental Shelf of the Northern South China Sea | 张桃 | 李君益 | 202201 | Journal of Marine Science and Engineering | SCIE三区 |
4 | Tidal currents in the coastal waters east of Hainan Island in winter | 李敏 | 谢玲玲 | 202203 | Journal of Oceanology and Limnology | SCIE二区 |
5 | Comparison of flows through a tidal inlet in late spring and after the passage of an atmospheric cold front in winter using acoustic Doppler profilers and vessel-based observations | 李明明 | Li, Chunyan | 202205 | Sensors | SCI三区 |
6 | Comparative Study of Nitrogen Cycling Between a Bay With Riverine Input and a Bay Without Riverine Input, Inferred From Stable Isotopes | 陈淳青 | 陈法锦 | 202205 | Frontiers in Marine Science | SCI二区 |
7 | Nitrogen Cycling Across a Salinity Gradient From the Pearl River Estuary to Offshore: Insight From Nitrate Dual Isotopes | 陈法锦 | 陈法锦 | 202204 | Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences | SCI二区 |
8 | Impact of intensive mariculture activities on microplastic pollution in a typical semi-enclosed bay: Zhanjiang Bay | 陈法锦 | 蔡明刚 | 202203 | Marine Pollution Bulletin | SCI二区 |
9 | Biological Impact of Typhoon Wipha in the Coastal Area of Western Guangdong: A Comparative Field Observation Perspective | 陆旋 | 陈法锦 | 202202 | Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences | SCI二区 |
10 | Spatial and temporal trends of anthropogenic carbon storage in typical marginal seas along the Asia continent in the northern hemisphere | 黄鹏 | 蔡明刚 | 202206 | Science of The Total Environment | SCI一区 |
11 | Influence of Typhoons on Chemical Makeup of Rainwater in Zhanjiang, China | 曾珍 | 陈法锦 | 202201 | Aerosol and Air Quality Research | SCI三区 |
12 | Using Stable Isotopes (δ 18 O and δD) to Study the Dynamics of Upwelling and Other Oceanic Processes in Northwestern South China Sea | 周凤霞 | 陈法锦 | 202201 | Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans | SCI二区 |
13 | Isotopic and biogenic silica evidence for eutrophic conditions in South China during the Frasnian-Famennian biotic crisis | 曹瀚升 | 陈法锦 | 202202 | Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology | SCI二区 |
14 | 吕宋冷涡的年际变化及影响机制分析 | 邓思捷 | 谢玲玲 | 202201 | 海洋科学进展 | CSCD |
15 | Tidal currents in the coastal waters east of Hainan Island in winter, | 李敏 | 谢玲玲 | 202204 | Journal of Oceanology and Limnology | SCI二区 |
16 | Nitrate sources and formation in aerosol and precipitation in a tropical city in South China: Insight from nitrate dual isotopes | 骆惠洁 | 陈法锦 | 202206 | Atmospheric Environment | SCI二区 |
17 | Possible linkage between asymmetry of atmospheric meridional circulation and tropical cyclones in the Central Pacific during El Ni?o years | 李韬 | 张书文 | 202111 | PLoS ONE | SCI三区 |
18 | Contaminant Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Heavy Metals in Seawater and Sediments in a Typical Mariculture Bay in South China | 劳齐斌 | 陈法锦 | 202206 | Frontiers in Marine Science | SCI二区 |
19 | Regime shift in aerosol ammonium between the rainy and dry season: Perspective from stable isotopes in bulk deposition | 周欣 | 陈法锦 | 202206 | Atmospheric Pollution Research | SCI三区 |
20 | 全球各主要季风区降雨与ENSO之间关系的对比 | 林桂焕 | 王磊 | 202205 | 农业灾害研究 | 普刊 |
21 | 一个表面准地转涡旋在 Beta 平面自由漂移的数值模拟 | 张彤辉 | 张洋 | 202203 | 广东海洋大学学报 | |
22 | 楚科奇陆坡流的海表时空特征 | 薛宇璇 | 李敏 | 202207 | 广东海洋大学学报 | 广东海洋大 学学报 |
23 | Synergistic Effects of PDO and IOD on Water Vapor Transport in the Preflood Season over South China | 李俊杰 | 范伶俐 | 202202 | Water | SCI3区 |
24 | Preparation of Pomelo Peel-Based Biomass Carbon Aerogel-MnO2 Composite Electrode and its Adsorption Performance of Rb+ and Cs+ | 胡耀强 | 刘海宁 | 202202 | JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF PAKISTAN | SCI四区 |
25 | Indirect Determination of Liquor Alcohol Content Based on Near-Infrared Spectrophotometry | 胡耀强 | 刘海宁 | 202202 | SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS | SCI三区 |
26 | MJO 对南海夏季降水的调制及其对海洋表层盐度的影响 | 谢晓丽 | 凌征 | 202204 | 海洋科学进展 | CSCD |
27 | Numerical prediction of tropical cyclogenesis. Part II: Identification of large-scale physical processes under the monsoon shear line synoptic pattern | 梁梅 | 徐建军 | 202205 | Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society | SCI二区 |
28 | 1980-2016年西北太平洋热带气旋尺度与强度关系 | 梁梅 | 梁梅 | 202205 | 广东海洋大学学报 | 中文核心 |
29 | Decadal shift in sea fog frequency over the northern South China Sea in spring: Interdecadal variation and impact of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation | 韩利国 | 龙景超 | 202201 | ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH | SCI二区 |
30 | Opposite Changes in Tropical Cyclone Rain Rate During the Recent El Ni?o and La Ni?a Years | 涂石飞 | 徐建军 | 202203 | Geophysical Research Letters | SCI二区 |
31 | 阳江复杂地形对特大暴雨影响机理的数值研究 | 叶桂苓 | 张宇2 | 202202 | 热带气象学报 | CSCD |
32 | Exploring the Impact of Planetary Boundary Layer Schemes on Rainfall Forecasts for Typhoon Mujigae, 2015 | 沈文琪 | 张宇2 | 202201 | atmosphere | SCI三区 |
33 | Discrepancies in Simulated Ocean Net Surface Heat Fluxes over the North Atlantic | 刘春雷 | 曹宁 | 202201 | ADVANCES IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES | SCI二区 |
34 | 关于海洋气象学学科归属问题的探讨 | 方杏芹 | 方杏芹 | 202202 | 气象与环境学报 | 普刊 |
35 | Impacts of Human Activities and Environmental Changes on Spatial- Seasonal Variations of Metals in Surface Sedimentsof Zhaniiang Bay, China | 周凤霞 | 金广哲 | 202206 | Frontiers in Marine Science | SCI二区 |
36 | 湛江湾表层沉积物不同形态磷的变化特征 | 周凤霞 | 陈法锦 | 202208 | 海洋环境科学 | CSCD |
37 | Sources, spectral characteristics, and fluxes of dissolved organic matter in coastal groundwater and river water in western Guangdong, China. | 王超 | 王超,金广哲 | 202210 | Frontiers in Environmental Science | SCI三区 |
38 | Characteristics of Dissolved Organic Matter in a Semiclosed Bay in Summer: Insights from Stable Isotope and Optical Analyses | 钟雅枫 | 赵辉,王超 | 202207 | Frontiers in Marine Science | SCI二区 |
39 | 河口水流结构分解及斜压M4分潮流探讨 | 李谊纯 | 刘金贵 仉天宇 | 202210 | 海洋学报 | 梯队期刊 |
40 | 北部湾东北部水团和流场季节变化-2018-2019年观测数据分析 | 李明明 | 谢玲玲 | 202209 | 海洋学研究 | CSCD |
41 | Effects of upwelling and runoff on water mass mixing and nutrient supply induced by typhoons: Insight from dual water isotopes tracing | 劳齐斌 | 陈法锦 | 202211 | Limnology and Oceanography | SCI一区 |
42 | Quantification of the Seasonal Intrusion of Water Masses and Their Impact on Nutrients in the Beibu Gulf Using Dual Water Isotopes | 劳齐斌 | 陈法锦 | 202207 | Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans | SCI二区 |
43 | Increasing intrusion of high salinity water alters the mariculture activities in Zhanjiang Bay during the past two decades identified by dual water isotopes | 劳齐斌 | 陈法锦 | 202210 | Journal of Environmental Management | SCI二区 |
44 | A contrast of the monsoon–tropical cyclone relationship between the western and eastern North Pacific | 翁锦文 | 王磊 | 202209 | Atmosphere | SCI三区 |
45 | Recent weakening relationship between the springtime Indo-Pacific warm pool SST zonal gradient and the subsequent summertime western Pacific subtropical high | 甘秋莹 | 王磊 | 202210 | International Journal of Climatology | SCI二区 |
46 | 全球各主要季风年际变化主周期在20世纪90年代前后差异的对比 | 彭旭钢 | 王磊 | 202210 | 农业灾害研究 | 普刊 |
47 | 东北太平洋和北大西洋热带云团发展率特征的对比 | 王懿彬 | 王磊 | 202210 | 农业灾害研究 | 普刊 |
48 | 北部湾沉积物记录的近千年以来气候环境变化 | 林俊川 | 黄超 | 202209 | 海洋学研究 | CSCD |
49 | Seasonal Variability of the Pacific South Equatorial Current during the Argo Era | 杨丽娜 | 梁朋 | 202210 | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY | SCI二区 |
50 | The removal of atmospheric aerosols in a heavy industrial coastal city in China with frequent rainfall | 周欣 | 朱庆梅 | 202208 | Frontiers in Marine Science | SCI二区 |
51 | Sources of nitrate in a heavily nitrogen pollution bay in Beibu Gulf, as identified using stable isotopes | 蔡尚均 | 金广哲 | 202207 | Frontiers in Marine Science | SCI二区 |
52 | Consequences of anthropogenic activities and beach dynamics on vertical distribution of microplastics in the mid-intertidal sediments of Donghai Island, China | M. Machendiranathan | 金广哲 | 202208 | Water Science & Technology | SCI四区 |
53 | Combined Effects of the ENSO and the QBO on the Ozone Valley over the Tibetan Plateau | 常舒捷 | 郭栋 | 202210 | remote sensing | SCI二区 |
54 | 台风“利奇马”快速增强过程中的海洋响应 | 陈鹏 | 常舒捷 | 202207 | 广东海洋大学学报 | 广东海洋大学学报 |
55 | Moisture Transport and Contribution to the Continental Precipitation | 杨雅竹 | 曹宁 | 202210 | Atmosphere | SCI三区 |
56 | Review of the Observed Energy Flow in the Earth System | 刘春雷 | 曹宁 | 202210 | Atmosphere | SCI三区 |
57 | 基于不同海洋再分析资料的吕宋海峡热能输送及其变化 | 曹宁 | 刘春雷 | 202209 | 广东海洋大学学报 | 广东海洋大学学报 |
58 | 利用海-气-浪耦合模式(COAWST)对北印度洋一次 强热带风暴“Fani”(2019)过程的数值模拟 | 陈志强 | 陈志强 | 202206 | 热带气象学报 | CSCD |
59 | Data assimilation of adaptive observation and application for typhoon forecasts over the Western North Pacific | 陈思奇 | 张宇、徐建军 | 202206 | Atmospheric Research | SCI二区 |
60 | Exploring the Impact of Planetary Boundary Layer Schemes on Rainfall Forecasts for Typhoon Mujigae, 2015 | 沈文琪 | 张宇、徐建军 | 202201 | Atmosphere | SCI三区 |
61 | Comparison between Multi-Physics and Stochastic Approaches for the 20 July 2021 Henan Heavy Rainfall Case | 邵端舟 | 张宇、徐建军 | 202207 | Atmosphere | SCI三区 |
62 | Simulations of Sea Fog Impacted by Air–Sea Interaction over South China Sea | 韩利国 | 张树钦; 徐峰 | 202210 | Frontiers in Marine Science | SCI二区 |
63 | A Comparative Analysis of Chemical Properties and Factors Impacting Spring Sea Fog over the Northwestern South China Sea | 韩利国 | 徐峰 | 202209 | JOURNAL OF TROPICAL METEOROLOGY | SCI四区 |
64 | Climatology of Different Classifications of Tropical Cyclones Landfalling in Guangdong Province of China during 1951–2020 | 张树钦 | 涂石飞 | 202208 | Atmosphere | SCI三区 |
65 | Biomass Carbon Aerogel Modified by N235 and KH560 for Removal of Iodide from Oilfield Brine | 胡耀强 | 刘海宁 | 202207 | JOURNAL OF WUHAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY-MATERIALS SCIENCE EDITION | SCI四区 |
66 | A millennial-scale tephra event-stratigraphic record of the South China Sea since the penultimate interglacial | 冯伟家 | 孔德明 | 202211 | Lithosphere | SCI三区 |
67 | 洗脱剂极性对沉积物长链烯酮硅胶柱层析效果的影响 | 陈国生 | 孔德明 | 202209 | 广东海洋大学学报 | 广东海洋大学学报 |
68 | Coherence of Eddy Kinetic Energy Variation during Eddy Life Span to Low-Frequency Ageostrophic Energy | 张智晟 | 谢玲玲 | 202208 | Remote Sensing | SCI二区 |
69 | eSQG 方法在南海垂向流速诊断中的应用及对比研究 | 黄家辉 | 谢玲玲 | 202208 | 海洋学报 | 梯队期刊 |
70 | 安达曼海中尺度涡季节变化分析 | 黄家辉 | 谢玲玲 | 202210 | 海洋学报 | 梯队期刊 |
71 | Assessing the sources and dynamics of organic matter in a high human impact bay in the northern Beibu Gulf: Insights from stable isotopes and optical properties | 陆旋 | 陈法锦 | 202211 | Frontiers in Marine Science
| SCI二区 |
72 | Seasonal variability of eddy kinetic energy in the East Australian current region | 刘佳 | 郑少军 | 202212 | Frontiers in Marine Science | SCI二区 |
73 | 登录广东的热带气旋灾害指数特征分析 | 翁锦文 | 王磊 | 202212 | 广东气象 | T3 |
74 | The weakening seasonality of Indo-Pacific warm pool size in a warming world since 1950 | 甘秋莹 | 王磊 | 202212 | Environmental Research Letters | SCI二区 |
75 | Spatiotemporal nutrient patterns, composition, and implications for eutrophication mitigation in the Pearl River Estuary, China. | 柯盛 | 张鹏 | 202201 | Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science | SCI三区 |
76 | Long-term harmful algal blooms and nutrients patterns affected by climate change and anthropogenic pressures in the Zhanjiang Bay, China. | 张鹏 | 张际标 | 202204 | Frontiers in Marine Science. | SCI二区 |
77 | Seasonal Distribution, Composition, and Inventory of Plastic Debris on the Yugang Park Beach in Zhanjiang Bay, South China Sea. | 张鹏 | 张际标 | 202204 | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health | SCI三区 |
78 | Microplastic Variations in Land-Based Sources of Coastal Water Affected by Tropical Typhoon Events in Zhanjiang Bay, China. | 简绮颖 | 张鹏 | 202205 | Water | SCI二区 |
79 | Tracing land-based microplastic sources in coastal waters of Zhanjiang Bay, China: Spatiotemporal pattern, composition, and flux | 张鹏 | 张际标 | 202207 | Frontiers in Marine Science | SCI二区 |
80 | Effects of tidal variations on total nitrogen concentration, speciation, and exchange flux in the Shuidong Bay coastal water, South China Sea | 张鹏 | 张际标 | 202208 | Frontiers in Marine Science | SCI二区 |
81 | Categorizing numeric nutrients criteria and implications for water quality assessment in the Pearl River Estuary, China | 张鹏 | 张际标 | 202209 | Frontiers in Marine Science | SCI二区 |
82 | Microplastics dynamics in the bathing seawater affected by the ebb tide in Zhanjiang Bay, China. | 张鹏 | 张际标 | 202212 | Journal of Marine Science and Engineering | SCI三区 |
83 | Heavy metal content and enrichment behavior of fouling organisms in drainage area of seawater desulfurization process in Zhanjiang Bay, China | 张际标 | 张鹏 | 202207 | Water | SCI三区 |
84 | Spatiotemporal Variation and Influencing Factors of TSP and Anions in Coastal Atmosphere of Zhanjiang City, China. | 张际标 | 张鹏 | 202202 | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. | SCI三区 |
85 | Phosphorus speciation and sedimentary phosphorus release in an urban bay (Dachan Bay, China) impacted by multiple anthropogenic perturbations | 柯盛 | 张际标 | 202211 | Marine Pollution Bulletin | SCI二区 |
86 | 海洋土曲霉C23-3 代谢产物epi-aszonalenin A 对内皮细胞的活性机制 | 刘怡 | 千忠吉 | 202201 | 广东海洋大学学报 | 中文核心 |
87 | A new benzaldehyde from the coral-derived fungus Aspergillus terreus C23-3 and its anti-inflammatory effects via suppression of MAPK signaling pathway in RAW264.7 cells | Minqi Chen | 千忠吉 | 202201 | Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE B | SCI三区 |
88 | A Novel Peptide Isolated from Microalgae Isochrysis zhanjiangensis Exhibits Antiapoptosis and Antiinflammation in OxLDL Induced HUVEC to Improve Atherosclerosis | Yu Pei | 千忠吉 | 202204 | Plant Foods for Human Nutrition | SCI二区 |
89 | An ACE inhibitory peptide from Isochrysis zhanjiangensis exhibits antihypertensive effect via anti-inflammation and anti-apoptosis in HUVEC and hypertensive rats | Yu Pei | 千忠吉 | 202204 | Journal of Functional Foods | SCI二区 |
90 | Potential anti-skin aging effect of a peptide AYAPE isolated from Isochrysis zhanjiangensis on UVB-induced HaCaT cells and H2O2-induced BJ cells | Yuan-Lin He | 千忠吉 | 202205 | Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, B: Biology | SCI二区 |
91 | Mechanism of two alkaloids isolated from coral endophytic fungus for suppressing angiogenesis in atherosclerotic plaque in HUVEC | Yi Liu | 千忠吉 | 202205 | International Immunopharmacology | SCI二区 |
92 | 等鞭金藻多肽IEC 对脂多糖诱导血管内 皮炎症的保护作用研究 | 林丽远 | 千忠吉 | 202206 | 中 国 海 洋 药 物 | CSCD |
93 | Pentapeptide AYP from Isochrysis Zhanjiangensis Exhibits Antiangiogenic Activity in HT1080 Cells and HUVECs by Suppressing Migration and Invasion In Vitro | Yanfei Tang | 千忠吉 | 202207 | Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry | SCI一区 |
94 | A Sulfated Polysaccharide from Red Algae (Gelidium crinale) to Suppress Cells Metastasis and MMP-9 Expression of HT1080 Cells | Haiyan Zheng | 千忠吉 | 202208 | Foods | SCI二区 |
95 | Mechanism analysis of octapeptide from microalgae, Isochrysis zhanjiangensis for suppressing vascular injury and angiogenesis in human umbilical vein endothelial cell | Liyuan Lin | 千忠吉 | 202208 | International Immunopharmacology | SCI二区 |
96 | Ultrathin amorphous MnO 2 modified prawn shells-derived porous carbon towards robust oxygen electrocatalyst for rechargeable Zn-air battery | 肖晓 | 陈蓓蓓 | 2022.05 | Ceramics International | SCI二区 |
97 | Preparation of norfloxacin-grafted chitosan antimicrobial sponge and its application in wound repair | 程瑜 | 胡章 | 202205 | International Journal of Biological Macromolecules | SCI一区 |
98 | Crystallization, thermal and mechanical properties of stereocomplexed poly (lactide) with flexible PLLA/PCL multiblock copolymer | 景占鑫 | 景占鑫 | 202205 | RSC Advances | SCI三区 |
99 | Poly(lactide)-based supramolecular polymers driven by self-complementary quadruple hydrogen bonds: construction, crystallization and mechanical properties | 景占鑫 | 景占鑫 | 202208 | Polymer International | SCI三区 |
100 | High strength, tough and selfhealing chitosanbased nanocomposite hydrogels based on the synergistic effects of hydrogen bond and coordination bond | 张琼珊 | 景占鑫 | 202207 | Journal of Polymer Research | SCI三区 |
101 | Biodegradable and biocompatible supramolecular polymers based on poly(ε-caprolactone-co-δ-valerolactone)-b-poly(lactide) block copolymers with different branched structures: synthesis, crystallization and properties | 景占鑫 | 景占鑫 | 202210 | European Polymer Journal | SCI二区 |
102 | Impact of the surrounding environment on antibiotic resistance genes carried by microplastics in mangroves | 孙瑞坤 | 李承勇 | 202211 | Science of the Total Environment | SCI二区 |
103 | Extracellular vesicles derived from Pinctada martensii mucus regulate skin inflammation via the NF-kBNLRP3MAPK pathway | 吴梓杰 | 李承勇 | 202211 | Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications | SCI四区 |
104 | Review on recent progress of bioremediation strategies in Landfill leachate- A green approach | 谭宝怡 | 李承勇 | 202211 | Journal of Water Process Engineering | SCI四区 |
105 | Separation of false-positive microplastics and analysis of microplastics via a two-phase system combined with confocal Raman spectroscopy | 刘羽 | 李承勇 | 202208 | Journal of Hazardous Materials | SCI一区 |
106 | Study on Ammonia Content and Distribution in the Microenvironment Based on Covalent Organic Framework Nanochannels | Saud Asif Ahmed | 李承勇 | 202208 | Analytical Chemistry | SCI一区 |
107 | Microplastics accumulation in mangroves increasing the resistance of its colonization Vibrio and Shewanella | 谭宝怡 | 李承勇 | 202202 | Chemosphere | SCI二区 |
108 | Effects of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Nutrients on the Proliferation of Heterosigma Akashiwo under the Background of Mobile Big Data | 段美娜 | 段美娜 | 202209 | International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems | SCI四区 |
109 | Effects of Irrigation and Nitrogen Fertilization on Mitigating Salt-induced Na+ Toxicity and Sustaining Sea Rice Growth | 李进 | 段婷婷 | 202210 | Open Life Sciences | SCI四区 |
110 | A Study on Response of Sugarcane Genotypes to Phosphorus Fertilizer in Western Guangdong, China | 李进 | 段婷婷 | 202210 | American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology | EI |
111 | 湛江市外来植物入侵状况 | 段婷婷 | 李进 | 202209 | 生物安全学报 | CSCD |
112 | 无机及分析化学实验课程教学改革探索 | 刘耀谦 | 孙省利 | 202202 | 教育现代化 | 普刊 |
113 | 电厂温排水对邻近海域水温和浮游动物群落的影响 | 刘耀谦 | 孙省利 | 202211 | 广东化工 | 普刊 |
114 | 环境中的多氯联苯处理技术研究进展 | 刘青山 | 梁燕茹 | 202206 | 山东化工 | 普刊 |
115 | “互联网+”背景下海洋化学调查方法教学改革 | 梁燕茹 | 梁燕茹 | 202210 | 大学教育 | 普刊 |
116 | Different Responses of Chlorophyll a to the Passage of the Tropical Storm Wipha (2019) in the Coastal Waters of the Northern Beibu Gulf | 陈莹 | 赵辉 | 202206 | Frontiers in Marine Science | SCI二区 |
117 | Characteristics of Dissolved Organic Matter in a Semi-closed Bay in Summer: Insights from Stable Isotope and Optical Analyses | 钟雅枫 | 赵辉 | 202207 | Frontiers in Marine Science | SCI二区 |
118 | Norethindrone alters growth, sex differentiation and gene expression in marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma) | Zhongdian Dong | 梁燕秋 | 202205 | Environmental Toxicology | SCI二区 |
119 | Corrosion monitoring method of 304 stainless steel in a simulated marine–industrial atmospheric environment: electrochemical noise method | 胡杰珍 | 邓培昌 | 202212 | Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials | SCI四区 |
120 | Galvanic corrosion behavior of titanium-clad steel plate in the marine environment | 胡杰珍 | 邓培昌 | 202201 | Materials and Corrosion | SCI三区 |
121 | Effects of a sulfated glycosaminoglycans from Sepia esculenta ink on transcriptional and metabolic profiles of Saccharomyces cerevisiae | 林震 | 研究生 | 202201 | Carbohydrate Polymers | SCI一区 |
122 | Systematic pharmacology mechanisms of starfish in the treatment of peptic ulcer | 张育 | 研究生 | 202201 | International Journal of Pharmacology | SCI四区 |
123 | 二氧化硅汽凝胶 / 二氧化钛改性贝壳粉水性隔热涂料的制备及性能研究 | 张书瑶 | 本科生 | 202203 | 化工管理 | 普刊 |
124 | 雷州半岛沿岸海域浮游桡足类的分布特征及其影响因素 | 彭宇航 | 研究生 | 202203 | 海洋与湖沼 | T1 |
125 | Synthesis of palladium supported on mesoporous hydroxyapatite from oyster shells for use as efcient, green, and recyclable catalyst for Heck reactions | 罗文薏 | 研究生 | 202112 | Journal of Nanoparticle Research | SCI四区 |
126 | Composition and Distribution of Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Compounds and Biomarkers in Seafloor Sediments from Offshore of the Leizhou Peninsula (South China) | 高苑 | 教师 | 202112 | ACS Omega | SCI三区 |
127 | The Characteristics of Organic Carbon in the Offshore Sediments Surrounding the Leizhou Peninsula, China | 夏嘉 | 教师 | 202202 | Frontiers in Earth Science | SCI三区 |
128 | Gastric acid-response chitosan/alginate/tilapia collagen peptide composite hydrogel: Protection effects on alcohol-induced gastric mucosal injury | 卢思彤 | 研究生 | 202202 | Carbohydrate Polymers | SCI一区 |
129 | Iridoid Glycosides from Phlomis Medicinalis Diels: Optimized Extraction and Hemostasis Evaluation | 卢思彤 | 研究生 | 202205 | Chemistry & Biodiversity | SCI三区 |
130 | 新型两性壳聚糖的制备及结构表征 | 李广发 | 本科生 | 202201 | 应用化工 | CSCD |
131 | Carboxymethyl chitosan-based electrospun nanofibers with high citral-loading for potential anti-infection wound dressings | 李程鹏 | 教师 | 202206 | International Journal of Biological Macromolecules | SCI一区 |
132 | 含氮芥和蒽环的新型α,β-...酮的合成、表征与抗肿瘤活性 | 黄伟婷 | 本科生 | 202204 | 合成化学 | 普刊 |
133 | Novel Terpyridine Conjugated Nitrogen Mustard Derivatives: Synthesis, Spectral Properties, and Anticancer Activity | 梁远维 | 教师 | 202205 | Russian Journal of General Chemistry | SCI四区 |
134 | Synthesis of a novel nitrogen mustard– conjugated bis-terpyridine ruthenium(II) complex as a potent anticancer agent that induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis | 梁远维 | 教师 | 202204 | Journal of Chemical Research | SCI四区 |
135 | Distribution characteristics and enrichment factors of mercury in the surface sediments of mangrove wetlands--a case of Zhanjiang region | 王冼民 | 教师 | 202201 | Fresenius Environmental Bulletin | SCI四区 |
136 | 双水相提取马友鱼肝中乙酰胆碱酯酶的工艺条件研究 | 李敏 | 本科生 | 202205 | 应用化工 | 北大核心 |
137 | Halogen-Doped Carbon Dots: Synthesis, Application, and Prospects | 罗坤 | 本科生 | 202207 | Molecules | SCI三区 |
138 | N-maleyl chitosan-supported palladium catalyst for Heck coupling reaction and reduction of 4-nitrophenol | 罗文薏 | 研究生 | 202208 | Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects | SCI三区 |
139 | Self-doping synthesis of iodine–carbon quantum dots for sensitive detection of Fe(III) and cellular imaging | 罗坤 | 本科生 | 202209 | New Journal of Chemistry | SCI三区 |
140 | 含十二烷基二亚丙三胺抗菌洗手液的制备及抗菌性能探究 | 林显佳 | 本科生 | 202204 | 日用化学工业 | 北大核心 |
141 | Preparation and characterization of amphiphilic chitosan/iodine composite film as antimicrobial material | 张岭誉 | 研究生 | 202211 | International Journal of Biological Macromolecules | SCI一区 |
142 | Solid phase synthesis of oxidized sodium alginate-tobramycin conjugate and its application for infected wound healing | 梁丽媚 | 研究生 | 202211 | Carbohydrate Polymers | SCI一区 |
143 | Tunable alkoxy-nucleophilic addition under photochemical condition: Dioxidation of gem-difluoroalkenes with O-2 | 梁远维 | 教师 | 202208 | MOLECULAR CATALYSIS | SCI二区 |
144 | Antioxidant, anticoagulant and thrombolytic properties of SIP-IV, a sulfated polysaccharide from Sepia esculenta ink, and its derivatives | 李芳萍 | 研究生 | 202208 | Food Bioscience | SCI二区 |